School Logo
Saint John
The Baptist School Peabody, MA
  Picture of School Offering Quality Christian Education For Grades Pre-School through Eighth grade.
Statue of Jesus & Children
Mission Statement

We, St. John's School Community, create a Christian atmosphere that is safe, supportive, caring and loving.

We prepare and challenge each other to be life long learners, academically, socially and spiritually.

We encourage commitment of service to the local and global community.

We recognize the need to reach one's own personal best, while at the same time respecting and celebrating the diversity among us.

St. John the Baptist School
(Pre-K to 8)
19 Chestnut Street
Peabody, MA 01960

978-531-0444 Jr. High Ext. 400 
Fax: 978-531-3569


Wellness Program

Please click here to access the wellness policy.

Forms and Notices

Food Allergies at Saint John the Baptist School
Allergy Emergency Health Care Plan Form
Parent / Guardian Authorization for Medication Administration
Physicals (Kindergarten, Grade 4 and Grade 8)
Postural Screening Permission (Grades 5 to 8)
Tenanus (Tdap) Shot Reminder (Prior to entrance to Grade 7)
Winter Illness Prevention
Medication Order Form
Swine Flu Fact Sheet

Nov 23, 2009 - H1N1 Vaccinations on November 30th    NEW
Nov 13, 2009 - H1N1 Middle and High School Student Memo    NEW
Nov 13, 2009 - H1N1 Child Vaccine Administration Record    NEW
Nov 13, 2009 - H1N1 Vaccine Information Statement    NEW

Nov 10, 2009 - Swine-Flu Elementary-Aged Children Vaccination Clinic Memo
May 22, 2009 - Infectious Disease Memo
Massachusetts Letter to Parents regarding H1N1 Flu
Flu Symptom Check List


Massachusetts School Immunization Requirements 2008 *

Hepatitis B3
  • Child Care/Preschool1 – 3 doses
  • Kindergarten – 3 doses
  • Grades 1-6 – 3 doses
  • Grades 7-12 – 3 doses

  • Child Care/Preschool – More than or equal to 4 doses DTaP/DTP
  • Kindergarten – 5 doses DTaP/DTP
  • Grades 1-6 – More than or equal to 4 doses DTaP/DTP or more than or equal to 3 doses Td
  • Grades 7-12 – 4 doses DTaP/DTP or more than or equal to 3 doses Td + 1 Td booster

  • Child Care/Preschool – More than or equal to 3 doses
  • Kindergarten – 4 doses
  • Grades 1-6 – More than or equal to 3 doses
  • Grades 7-12 – More than or equal to 3 doses

  • Child Care/Preschool – 1 to 4 doses
  • Kindergarten – N/A
  • Grades 1-6 – N/A
  • Grades 7-12 – N/A

  • Child Care/Preschool – 1 dose
  • Kindergarten – 2 doses measles, 1 mumps, 1 rubella
  • Grades 1-6 – 2 doses measles, 1 mumps, 1 rubella
  • Grades 7-12 – 2 doses measles, 1 mumps, 1 rubella

  • Child Care/Preschool – 1 dose
  • Kindergarten – 1 dose
  • Grades 1-6 – 1 dose
  • Grades 7-12 – Younger than 13 years – 1 dose; older than 13 years – 2 doses

Meningococcal9, 10
  • Child Care/Preschool – N/A
  • Kindergarten – N/A
  • Grades 1-6 – N/A
  • Grades 7-12 – 1 dose for all new full-time students

* These requirements also apply to all new "enterers."
N/A means there is no vaccine requirement for the grades indicated.

1Child Care/Preschool: Minimum requirements by 24 months; younger children should be immunized according to the schedule for their age.

3Hepatitis B: 3 doses are required for child care attendance and entry into preschool, kindergarten-12th grade. Laboratory proof of immunity is acceptable.

4DTaP/DTP/DT/Td: >4 doses are required for child care attendance and entry into preschool. 5 doses are required for school entry, unless the fourth dose is given on or after the 4th birthday. DT is only acceptable when accompanied by a letter stating a medical contraindication to DTaP/DTP. A single booster dose of Td is required for all students entering graders 7-12 (Tdap is also acceptable). Please note: Td is not required if it has been <5 years since their last dose of DTaP/DTP/DT.

5Polio: >3 doses are required for child care attendance and entry into preschool. 4 doses are required for school entry, unless the third dose of an all-IPV or all-OPV schedule is given on or after the 4th birthday, in which case only 3 doses are needed. However, if the sequential or a mixed IPV/OPV schedule was used, 4 doses are always required to complete the primary series.

6Hib: Hib vaccine is required for child care attendance and preschool entry. The number of primary doses is determined by the vaccine product and age at which the series begins.

7MMR: 1 dose is required for child care attendance and entry into preschool. A second dose of measles vaccine, given at least 4 weeks after the first, is required for entry into all grades K-12. Laboratory proof of immunity is acceptable.

8Varicella: 1 dose is required for child care attendance and for all students at entry to preschool and K-12, unless they have physician-certified reliable history of chicken pox. If the child is 13 or younger at first vaccination, 2 doses are required.
A reliable history of chicken pox is defined as: 1) physician interpretation of parent/guardian description of chicken pox; 2) physician diagnosis of chicken pox; 3) laboratory proof of immunity.

9Meningococcal: Meningococcal immunization is required for: 10 newly enrolled full-time residential students attending a secondary school with grades 9-12 (in the case of ungraded classrooms, those with students age 13 and older) who will be living in a dormitory or comparable congregate living arrangement licensed or approved by the secondary school.

10At residential schools with lower grades: The requirements apply to residential students in grades pre-K through 8 only if the school combines these grades in the same school or part of a school with students in grades 9-12.

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New Beginnings Counseling Service

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Saint John The Baptist School PRE-K to 8